Life on the Farm


May 26, 2016

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This Spring, Trevor is starting to help more on his family farm! This is an exciting time. I never in a million years thought I would be living in a small town and learning about farming. But seriously it is the best and I wouldn’t have it any other way! I am far from actually understanding the farm life, but I like to atleast try. And I can say I am a farmers wife 😉 Now I just need those chickens some day. 😉 I figured it would be fun this year to share updates on the farm over the next few months. If you are as intrigued as the farming life as I am, hopefully you will enjoy these little post. I will post as things progress, so stayed tuned! It is always amazing to me how a tiny seeds grows so big. Our God is good!

This week they started planting! Thankful the rain has held off and they have had some perfect days to cover a lot of ground. Trevor has been spending 10+ hours in a planter (the big tractor here that plants the seeds) I love when I get the chance to ride along. I ask a million questions to try to understand how these machines work. It is pretty amazing. This farm life is my favorite. The sunsets we have had out here this week have been unreal. I can’t wait to share more as things change!

They are still going strong, the corn is almost all planted and then they will plant soy beans. In just a month or so they will be harvesting wheat. Oh the wheat is my favorite. Tonight, if you follow me on snapchat, I snapped a clip the wheat blowing in the wind at sunset. I am DYING to shoot in it!!! If you want some farm pictures you know where to come! 🙂 

Here are a few photos I snapped on the way home from my shoots the other night. The sun and just set before I pulled it, but so glad I stopped to snap these. They were loading up the planter with seed. Love these guys!! Happy Planting Farmers! 


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