Weekend Wrap Up


May 30, 2016

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What a crazy fun weekend! 

Between Trevor and I we were actually at three different weddings. That’s a lot of wedding cake 😉 Saturday, was Taylor & Kyle’s big day! I had been looking forward to this wedding for some time now. Morgan came along and 2nd shot with me, while Trevor was videoing with Little Tree Studios at a different wedding. It’s always fun having Morgs with me for the day. Taylor was one gorgeous bride, she was an incredible dress. I am seriously So excited to share their blog on Wednesday!! eek! get it excited, it was a beautiful day. Even if it did rain a little. 

I got home late Saturday night, and Sunday morning we headed out early to Video Annie & Andy’s wedding day in Cincinnati. Talk about another gorgeous wedding. Annie was a stunning bride and her Hailey paige dress was just so dreamy and gorgeous. We worked along side Leah Barry Photography. We loved getting to know them, by the end of the night we were all friends and felt like we had known them for a long time. Leah and her Husband, Sean shoot together as well. I love meeting other husband and wife teams. It was a beautiful WARM day! 

We got home late last night and just crashed. Woah! We hadn’t shot two weddings in a while back to back. We are out of shape to say the least, but it was SO worth it. Congrats to the newly weds this weekend!!!! Enjoy those honeymoons!!! 

Now, Today! Happy Memorial friends! Thank you to all you men and women who serve out country. A special huge thanks to my brother Jack for serving our country. We love you and are so thankful for you and what you do!!! We enjoyed a slow morning of not getting out of bed haha and now we are going to enjoy this beautiful weather <3 

Enjoy your Holiday!!


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