Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 20, 2016

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Happy Father’s Day Weekend!!! 

We had another photo & video wedding this weekend! It was so fun working along side my hubby as he filmed the wedding day. Thanks to our awesome 2nd shooters, Morgan & Chris. We loved working as a team this weekend. We had a few seconds between getting ready and heading to the ceremony, so we snuck in a few fun photos. The day was a great and we loved celebrating with Alexa and Daniel. Congrats you guys!!!!  It was a gorgeous Saturday, not a cloud in the sky. After many months of planning their day finally came and it was beautiful. Their full blog is coming on Wednesday, but a few sneak peeks below 🙂 Loving the bright summer colors. More to come!!

Sunday, Happy father’s day!!! SO grateful for my dad and the amazing up bringing we had. Thank you dad for being the best. I am so grateful for all the things you instilled in us and showing us what a godly leader looks like. Thank you for loving us well!!! Happy Father’s day!!!

We spent the day up at the lake with Trev’s family celebrating his dad. It was a blast of a day! Laying in the sun, watching golf and finishing off the night watching the CAVS WIN!!! WHOOHOOO!! Trevor and I watched the whole series and it was a blast seeing them win last night. But to be totally honest, we only really watch NBA basketball during the finals. I need to be a better fan. I told Trev last night, as we were driving home, I needed to get a Cavs T-shirt now bc I am a true fan. haha he laughed. Well either way, it was so fun cheering them on and watching them win!!

Today, is the 1st day of SUMMER!! AND its going to be 90!! Sounds fitting for sure! We are super excited for this week. We have a few shoots, a double header wedding coming this next weekend, a fun camping trip planned, and a secret we cant wait to share 🙂 EEK

 well for now, We are off to get work done before our camping trip!! Happy Monday Friends!!!!


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