Weekend Wrap Up


Jul 11, 2016

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What a weekend it was!!!

Friday I spent the day in columbus and with my family waiting on a new baby 🙂 I have been on call this month for a birth for a dear client. I don’t typically take birth clients because it is SO hard to book with shooting weddings about every weekend. However, about 8 months ago a client called me and bagged me to be there for their 2nd babies birth. I agreed and told her the only thing is you cant have the baby on July 9th and we both laughed. Well fast forward to July 8th, when I received a text saying she was being admitted at the hospital and the baby was coming. I hurried to Columbus, set up some alternative photographers just incase she had that baby while we were shooting a wedding on July 9th, (thank you Alison & Tasha for both being SO willing to step in if needed!!) We texted back and forth all day and night, and at 7:15am she was almost an 8 and I headed to the hospital. On my way they called left me know she was about to push because she moved SO fast, They held on for 10 minutes til I got there at 7:40am and little Graham arrived at 8:03am!! Talk about a whirlwind and just making it in time. I was SO thankful to have been there. They have been waiting a long time for this little baby and it was just a joy to capture those first few moments. Huge congrats to Cheryl & Rodger!! 🙂 All the nurses and dr.’s new I had a wedding that day and we were all laughing how this was the only day I said she couldnt have him. But thankful it ALL worked out! The Lord knows best and I was able to be there 🙂 

I then raced back to my parents house and got ready for our last July wedding before we have the next few weekend off! I had been looking forward to this wedding day for so long! I love each of our couples and each Saturday it is a blessing to be a part of their day! Thank you Allison & Kevin for having us a part of your day! It was GORGEOUS in so many ways. I cant wait to share more!!! 

Sunday we went to church and spent the afternoon at Trev’s parents house for a cookout and a swim party with the family. We had splash competitions and flip competitions. It was a blast! 

Today, I am MOVING SLOWLY. Haha But its okay. I am so thankful for this season of being busy. Off to spend the day with Trev. working on the house and cleaning up our currently home. Happy Monday friends!!

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