Weekend Wrap Up


Oct 3, 2016


Fall Things

This is always my favorite time of year, I love October and all the fall things it brings. It is always the busy of months but also some of the most fun month! My parents came up on Friday to spend the day with us. They also brought up my sweet niece Gia. We had so much fun. My mom, gia and I went to the fall pumpkin patch here in town. We got some pumpkins, went down the hay slide, found a gorgeous mum and got lost in a corn maze. It was a great Friday! We ended the day by going to the Upper Sandusky football game because Trevor’s basketball team in 2005 (his senior year of Highschool) was inducted into the Upper Sandusky Hall of Fame! They were state champions and went 27-0! I loved getting to meet all of Trevor’s best friends from high school. It is so hard to believe how long we have been out of highschool. Anyway, we had  a blast celebrating their team! 

Saturday, we kicked off our October Weddings! We have 5 great couples who are getting married this month and SO excited to be a part of each of their day. Kara & Cole kicked off this busy month and it was beautiful. SO thankful we escaped the rain. We typically drive 3+ hours around trip on a wedding day, but not this weekend! We got to shoot right here in Upper!!! Kara is from here so it was so fun. Loved this small town and the country life it brings. Congrats to Kara & Cole! Their full wedding is coming to the blog on Wednesday!!! 

Sunday, we had church in the morning and then I headed out to Springfield, Ohio to spend the afternoon and evening with a sweet family! First up, I did Tanner’s senior photos, he is the brother to one of my 2017 couples. After we finished those up, I did Makala & Adam’s engagement photos. I loved getting to spend the evening with this sweet family. They were so inviting and sweet. I can hardly wait until their wedding next June!! 

Enjoy the sneak peeks below. We have a full week of shoots and a wedding this weekend!!! HAPPY MONDAY & OCTOBER FRIENDS. You got this!


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