Weekend Wrap Up


Oct 24, 2016


Weekend Love

Hi Friends! Cant believe we are starting our LAST week of October!!! We had Saturday off and I wanted to do all the fall things, except it was freezing and windy all day, but that didn’t stop us! I Haven’t had a Saturday home since like July, so this was a big deal. I spent the morning at the coffee shop doing some quiet time and came home to make Chili & Pumpkin cake. Oh friends, it was delicious, I still have lots left, so come eat it for me, so I don’t gain another 5lbs. While I cooked and baked away, oh and watched some netflix and snuggled Remi on the couch, Trevor worked on the house a bit in the afternoon. We then went to the pumpkin patch to get our pumpkins. We enjoyed a night home together on the couch eating chili & Pizza & pumpkin bread. The perfect date night. Since it has gotten colder this weekend and we havent turned our heat on yet, we have been sitting at around 62 in the house. Needless to say, I have been in my winter gear over here. haha But I am so thankful for a Saturday home. 

On sunday, we not only photographed a wedding but we also filmed Jonny & Emily’s wedding!! We had Morgan shoot with me and Steve video with Trev. It was a PERFECT fall day. Seriously, the weather couldnt have been better. We loved celebrating with the Bride & Groom. Their day was long awaited and it all came together so beautiful. Huge congrats to Emily & Jonny! Enjoy Hawaii, I will be over here drooling over your wedding photos 😉 don’t miss the Blog on Wednesday! 

Off to edit and cull before heading to Columbus for a couple family shoots. The crazy season is slowing down and I am looking forward to next weekend OFF. 

Happy Monday!!!



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