Weekend Wrap Up


Oct 31, 2016


Trick Or Treat

We enjoyed our 1st weekend off and HOME since July!!! Oh friends, it was SO nice to get to sleep in and have no agenda the last few days!!! I have been loving this mini staycation or just normal life with a weekend off haha. Friday, I worked part of the day but took the afternoon and evening off. I enjoyed watching Netflix, laying on the couch, going to the coffee shop, playing with Remi, while my hubby hunted in the woods. It was a perfect Friday!

Saturday, was a lot of the same, except we watched football and get ready for Trick or treat in our neighborhood. I love passing out candy and talking with our neighbors. The is always a fun time of year. I even bought remi a costume this year!! Thank you Target sale rack her $7 hotdog outfit was a hit and we made homemade ketchup & mustard costumes. It was too perfect. If you know me at all, you know I have a love for Hot dogs. They are my favorite!!! So this was just perfect 🙂 We had Trev’s family over for pizza and so they could go walk around for candy as well. I loved all their costumes my sister in laws and mother in law did great on creating them! We had a great night of weather and we passed out soon much candy 🙂  

Sunday, we had church and then spent the day laying around again. It was SO nice. We walked through the woods a bit for Trev to prep for hunting, I got to see where he sits in the tree. Then we watched the whole OJ simpson trial on ESPN for the night. Haha Fun fact about us, we get SUCKED into murder mysteries. Saturday night we watched Amanda Knox on Netflix and spent the day talking about if she really killed her or not. We loved watching Jinx and making a murder and listening to the podcast of Serial. Yes we are crazy, but if you know of any murder mystery documentaries send them our way! We love trying to figure them out. 

well that is all for the weekend!! Off to Columbus today to Trick or Treat with my nieces and nephews! Happy halloween!!!!



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