The 1900 Bowman Home Update


Dec 22, 2016


The 1900 Bowman Home

Friends, I haven’t posted a whole bunch about the house lately, we are getting close to done with demo and start putting it all back together. haha We have officially finished taking out all the plaster in the first floor. SO much work, but it will be so worth it have it put together new, fresh and nice. We can rewire, put in new insulation, plumbing and new dry wall! When we are over there and walking around I can picture us living there and what it will all look like. I am so excited for it. There has been many times, I have been inpatient or not wanting to fix this or that, but I know each thing we do here will be so worth it. It is always looking better (hard to believe I know)

Now that we are finally done with our busy season and on the super slow down, we will have more time to get more work done. Over the next few months we are hoping for some big changes and I cant wait to see this place come together. Enjoy the bones of our house 🙂 One day we will be snuggle on the couch in there or sipping coffee in that window seat 😉 Keep following our instagram stores to see more! 


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