Happy Valentine’s Day

Blog, Personal

Feb 14, 2017

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Happy Valentine’s Day!

Thankful for my sweet Valentine, Trevor! Oh remember that one time we were models in Katelyn Jame’s posing course and I got to wear my wedding dress again and pretend we were a bride & groom!? Oh what a fun day, I would marry you a million times again. I forgot I never shared some of these images, there are lots more but I wanted to share a few today on this fun “holiday” Trev’s has been working countless hours over at the house and I couldn’t be more grateful. Our 100 year old home is becoming our dream home. I cant even wait to call him “home.”

Today, is a reminder to be thankful for those who love you around you. For family, friends, and spouses. I couldn’t be more grateful for an amazing family and a sweet husband and puppy who love and adore us. Today, share the love and let someone know you are thankful for them! 

Thank babe for being my valentine and loving me always! Happy Valentine’s day!!!


p.s. Thanks to Shay for the adorable heart image above!! download yours for free today as well over at her shop!! 

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