Weekend wrap Up


Feb 20, 2017

Who loves the weekend? 🙂 

I mean, you all probably answered, YES from the above question. ESPECIALLY, this weekend, it was between 60-70 both days and even this MONDAY!!! I have been LOVING this weather. I had a shoot over the weekend and it couldnt have been better weather. SO thankful for that!

It was a fun fill weekend. I started in Columbus thursday/Friday and celebrated my sweet sister’s 23rd birthday and hung out with my nieces. I also took my nephew 6 month photos, he is s chunk and I love it. Can’t wait to share some from that. Saturday, started bright and early with a little road trip with my friend Ahna out to Canton, ohio to shower my dear friend Tayler and she is getting married in a little over a month!! EEK, cant believe it is almost here. Cant wait! Loved getting to see her cute home and celebrate her and Tyler. We came back shortly after and that afternoon, we celebrated my Nephew, Beckett’s 1st birthday! Can’t believe he is already one. He loved his cake it was the CUTEST thing, he would have eaten the whole thing if they didn’t take it from him after a while, he was hugging it, smothering it and just face to caking it. It was the best little cake smash. Happy Birthday little man, you are so loved! 

Sunday was just a beautiful as the other 2 days. We went to church and I headed out to Westerville for a maternity shoot. It was the perfect evening with such a sweet couple who can hardly wait to meet their little baby come April! 

So thankful for a fun weekend and this amazing weather. I have been spending the morning editing, catching up and of course sneaking out with Remi to get some Vitamin D. Happy Monday friends!!! Soak up this February weather <3 I am sure winter will be back soon 🙂


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