Dawes Arboretum Sunset Anniversary Session


May 30, 2017

Okay! How sweet are these two?!?! I have been DYING to share their anniversary session on the blog!!! EEK!

A few months ago, I received an email from Natalie about doing their anniversary session and I was SOO excited. I mentored Natalie a couple years ago and then did a mini Love shoot last winter for them. They are the cutest and so so sweet!! They will be married 4 years this year! We met one evening about 2 weeks ago at Dawes Arboretum. We had the most gorgeous evening. Not a cloud in the sky and the the light was amazing. Natalie is also a photographer so she totally understands a gorgeous evening. This was one of them for sure 🙂 We had so much for talking and wandering around the park until we literally got kicked out 😉 only because they were closing the gate but we had finish with some amazing glowy light. I loved both their outfits they were just perfect for here. 

I have so many favorites, I tried to narrow it down but it was hard, so enjoy the many many favorites from our time together! Thanks for enduring the tall grasses and the ticks for some amazing photos!! It was all worth it!!

Thank you Natalie & Jesse for having me capture these of you!!! love you you guys!!


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