Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 5, 2017

What a weekend!! Thankful the beautiful weather we had all weekend! In-between a wedding and 2 engagement sessions, I found myself at the pool on Saturday afternoon for the first time this summer and it was glorious!! I literally love summer and all the things it brings. I have been eating watermelon like its my job since February and good news friends, I FINALLY found a GREAT one yesterday!! whoohoo!! We were headed to Trev’s parents for dinner and I had him stop at the local grocery in town because I needed a watermelon and peanut M&M’s haha! It was too good. 

Well, Friday we kicked off the weekend with a wedding! Friday weddings are always so so great! Congrats to Jess & Drew!!! It was a gorgeous day with not a cloud in the sky. Jess you looked amazing. I cannot wait to share their Pinnacle Wedding on the blog this week!! Big thanks to my sis, Morgan, for shooting with me! We matched in our Luluroe floral dresses and our grown out roots 😉 She snapped a photo of the bump in the sunset at the wedding on Friday. We take lots of iPhone photos of the bump but having 1 on a nice camera is always special. Loved the light. Cant believe I will be 24 weeks tomorrow!!! whoohoo! she is moving all the time and Trev finally felt her move 3 times in a row yesterday and my heart about exploded. It was the best!!!! 

Since the wedding this weekend was Friday, I had Saturday and Sunday home! So I shot 2 engagement shoots in the evenings. Saturday was hot and gorgeous so I found myself at the pool getting some sun, FINALLY. My legs are white according to some ((my nieces let me know how white I am, lucky them who are tan year round)) It was a nice day and I got to spend time that evening with one of my 2018 couples!! Loved having Jess & Brandon to the farm. We had a blast! 

Sunday, I drove about an hour to a small lake house in Willard Ohio to meet a sweet couple for their engagement photos. We moved up their shoot time incase of the rain and we got it done right before the rain came! It was perfect. Loved finally getting to meet Caitlin & Adam. Their wedding is in September, the last wedding we have before the babe comes!! I cant wait for their day! It is going to be beautiful. 

My hubby spent his weekend/ all last week in a tractor. But they finally have everything planted! Yay!! Last night we got to have dinner together and sit on the couch. It was nice 🙂 Thankful for a fun weekend and a busy one! 

Off to edit before my nieces come and have a sleep over here for a couple days!!! Happy Monday friends!


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