Weekend Wrap up


Jun 19, 2017

We went 100 mph this weekend and I am feeling it this morning, but it was SO worth it!!

Friday, we kicked off the weekend filming a wedding at Dock 580 in Columbus, alongside Ashley West photographing it. Big congrats to Sarah and Eric!! We loved celebrating with you two. You guys were a blast and so so fun to film. Cannot wait to see photos and the video!! Enjoy Bora Bora for your honeymoon, BEYOND jealous!!!! Of course, Ashley and I snuck in our own mini shoot 😉 Love this girl to pieces. I have prayed for that sweet babe in her belly for well over a year. It is SO fun being pregnant together. We have grown so much closer through this processes and I am truly truly thankful for our friendship and our daily texts!! love ya girl and that babe so much!!! cant wait to be mommas together. 

Saturday, we photographed a wedding! Thanks Morgan for 2nd shooting for me!! Always love having her. Everyone always asked are you sisters and twins?! We love it. We had a blast celebrating with Katie & Pete! It was a hot one and they were so great with it. We walked through uptown Westerville before the reception. It was a gorgeous day! Can’t wait to share their wedding on the blog this week. Morgs and I even stopped for a quick ice-cream break at Whits, Morgan had never had it!! It was delightful and exactly what we needed on that 90 degree day!! Enjoy the few sneak peeks below 🙂 

Then Sunday came! It was FATHER’S DAY!! Happy Father’s day to you all out there!! We went to the early service so we could spend the day in Columbus celebrating my dad. It was so great! The weather ended up being so nice, until the late evening and the guys snuck out for a round of 9 holes! They had a great time while us girls enjoyed eating and target 😉 We then had a cookout with ribs my momma smoked and they were delightful. We went down to the pond for some fishing and the rain came in, and all of a sudden we were all soaked haha! It was to funny watching us run back to the car. We had such a great time with everyone. Thanks dad for being the best dad out there!!! So thankful for you! Now, I cant wait for Trev to be a dad to our babe girl!! 🙂 

This week I reach 26 weeks pregnant!! CRAZY!! I am seriously LOVING IT! I have been feeling great lately and its so nice. Enjoy this time so much. This was the first time I really wore a tight dress to show off the belly and woah is the belly bump there!! haha I love it and cant wait to meet this little girl in September. 

Thats all for this Monday! Busy week of shoots and our last June wedding this weekend! Happy Monday friends!


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