Weekend Wrap Up


Jul 17, 2017

What a fun busy weekend it was!!!!

Friday, I headed down to Columbus for the weekend with my family. I grabbed lunch with my childhood best friend, Lindsay, and that was SO fun! She lives in Chicago now, so we don’t see each other often, but we always pick up where we left off. I am so thankful for our friendship over the years. Its crazy to think of us back in 1st and 2nd grade and now both married and I am having a baby! Wow, how time has flown!!! 

Friday evening I had 2 sweet families come out for photos at Grange Audubon. It was a beautiful evening and I loved catching up with each family. I am so thankful for this job and not only take photos, but to get to know other families and watch them grow! 

This weekend was also a big weekend because my sweet sisters and momma threw a beautiful baby shower for sweet baby girl! It was AMAZING. Full blog coming tomorrow! It was so so sweet and fun. We are feeling SO blessed still from such an incredible weekend with sweet people who have poured into over the years and are now pouring into our sweet baby already! 

While we were baby showering away 😉 My hubby was working away hanging drywall back home and a big thanks to Michael, my brother in law for coming up and helping him hang all day!!! we have 1 bathroom and half the stairs left to drywall and then the house is DONE being drywalled! YAYA! This means it actually looks like a house. Its amazing!!! All this hard work is paying off. I promise, I will be sharing an updated house blog soon!!! 

Sunday, I had a maternity session in the morning. What a beautiful morning it was!! We couldnt have had better weather for this busy weekend we had! Then my hubby and I went to my sister and hubby’s church. Loved seeing the kiddos on stage for their VBS closing program. too cute! Spent the afternoon going through gifts and napping. I was EXHAUSTED. Then we went off to celebrate my sweet Nephew Beckham for his 1st birthday!! Such a fun party that was pirates themed. All the kiddos were in their glory! 

The weekend was amazing! I will definitely be taking it a little easy today, but I got lots to edit and share! We have a busy week ahead, I turn 27!! We film our last wedding film this weekend and Sunday, I had on vacation with my family!!! Oh and the Drywall in our house should all be hung!!! LOTS of exciting things. Oh 1 more, I’ll be 30 weeks pregnant!!!! CRAZY! Lots to share this week. excited to have you follow along!

Happy Monday friends!


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