Weekend Wrap Up


Aug 7, 2017

Hey Friends!!!

It’s another Monday! Figured I would give ya a glimpse of our 1st weekend in August!! I headed to Columbus, on friday evening for a sweet engagement session in downtown. I cannot wait to share more of Travis & Kaleigh! They are too cute. We had a gorgeous fall like evening. I’ll take 70’s for sure being 32 weeks pregnant ; ) I stayed at my sisters house that night and we got up on Saturday and headed to one of my dear friend’s, Liz baby shower!! Liz and I went to high school together and have stayed close over the years. I am so thankful for her and our friendship! We are due just 1 week apart and its so so so fun being pregnant together. After her baby shower, we headed to her house for some maternity photos of her and Mason. They are the cutest. Just 3 years ago we were doing their engagement photos and then wedding photos!!! How crazy is that?! I am so excited for them as they welcome a little boy into their family this September! I cannot wait to meet him 🙂 

While I was away in Columbus Trevor was working away on the house. We are starting to prime this week guys!!! We cannot wait to see this little place come together 🙂  Lots of exciting things gonna be happening over there this month. Sunday, we did decide to take a day of Rest. We went to church and then spent the rest of our Sunday snuggled on the couch binge watching Netflix. We havent had one of those days in FOREVER. I was feeling a little under the weather, not sure if I got a little cold or something, but it was sure nice to rest and relax with each other with zero agenda. We made steak and mac n cheese for dinner. It sure was a good day!

This week is busy with shoots along with painting 😉 Hope you all have a fabulous week!! Happy Monday!


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