Whimsical Greenery Baby Shower


Sep 5, 2017

Showering Baby Bowman

Oh I couldn’t be more thankful  for all my dear friends that came out to shower baby bowman a few weeks ago. My sisters and momma through another gorgeous baby shower!!! They are seriously the best and I loved all the details and heart they put into it. If anyone of you know Shannon, she LOVES to party plan. This is her hobby and she knocks it out of the park every time. She always makes some delicious desserts. It may have been hot Sunday afternoon, but it was so so gorgeous and I loved having lunch outside with some of my dearest friends in the industry. They spoiled us so much and I am so grateful for each of their friendships. 

Today, I hit the 37 week mark in the pregnancy and I still have to pinch myself that I am about to be a momma, (as the sweet little girl in my belly is humping around and kicking my ribs ;)) I wouldn’t trade it for the world. It has been such a wonderful journey and We can hardly wait to meet her. Just a few more weeks!! I finish up shooting over the next week and then took about 2 weeks before my dew date to organize and get things ready. Who knows when she will arrive, but having some down time will be nice. Sorry my lack of blogging these days. I shot so much in August, I was just trying to keep up with editing on top of trying to help Trevor over at the house. We are getting so close. We will have a kitchen and bathrooms in less then 2 weeks and its so so so exciting. It is amazing to see it become our home and all our things we have picked out be put in. 

We will see when this little one arrives. For now I will soak up each kick and wobble in my belly until we get to meet her. Enjoy some of my favorite photos from our baby shower. Big thanks to my mom and sisters who put it on, it was amazing! Also, a big thanks to all my sweet friends who came out to celebrate with us!! 

happy Tuesday friends! 


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