Paulina | Mentoring


Mar 11, 2015


About 2 weeks ago I had my February Mentoring session with Paulina! She is from Georgia and was home for a wedding and decided to book a mentoring session with me while she was home! She drove up 4 hours for our session! Dedication and I love it! She Brought along with her Shilo – one my mentee’s from the fall 🙂 We had a blast all together! It was so great to meet Paulina and hear about her business. She is doing fabulous. We had a great time getting to know each other and talking about her business. Her business has been growing and it is so exciting to see.

We did her headshot in no time! Of course it was absolutely freezing out but we made it work. 🙂 I love doing mentoring sessions, If you are thinking of doing one – email me today!!! I only take 1-2 a month and already have April & May booking up! SO don’t be afraid to email me for more info!! 🙂

Have a great Wednesday!


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