Utah | Ski Trip

Personal, Travel

Mar 12, 2015


We had such a wonderful time out in Utah! Trevor & I drove all the way there over 2 days! (24 hours in a car!) We listened to the Serial Podcast – which is so awesome you should listen – its a free podcast. That took up a good 11 hours! Day 1 of traveling was not bad at all. We stayed in Nebraska the 1st night and then day 2 was a different story. Big snow storm had hit Utah and come over to Wyoming. Big storm means bad roads which means out there – ” Sorry the road is CLOSED!” yes, we were trapped on 80 at truck stop in Wyoming for about 4 hours. 🙁 This made day 2 of traveling a rough day for sure. I learned a lot of patients and trusting the Lord we will get there! The road finally did open and we arrived in Utah that evening. We got Trevor’s buddies from the airport and everyone was so excited to ski the next day. I have NEVER skied in my life until this trip. The 1st two days of skiing, I took lessons. They helped so much, I felt like I could do it. The last two days of the trip we skied our hearts heart. We all had such a blast. Trevor & I headed home on Sunday – back to our 24 hours adventure – We stopped in Iowa for the night and I got to see one of my best friend’s Erica and meet her new baby boy Tripp. It worked out perfect that we were driving through her town and she had her baby 2 weeks early 🙂 I was so glad to see them! Then we traveled home the rest of the way. It was a loooong trip and with all the time changes and springing forward our bodies were feeling it, but it was all worth it! We can’t wait until next year! I hope to keep learning how to ski better and better! If you are ever thinking of going out west do it! It is soo beautiful. The mountains are seriously amazing. Hope you enjoy some of my favorite pictures from the trip 🙂

Also! Trevor put an awesome video together! Don’t Miss our Recap from the GoPro! P.S. If you don’t have a GoPro they are so worth it!!!!


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