Nathan & Ashley | Married


Apr 30, 2015


We met Nathan & Ashley last week at our marriage conference we attended. They were the 1st couple we met when we arrived and we hit it off immediately! They are wedding and portrait photographers from the Indianapolis area. We loved getting to know them during the week. I was so glad to get a chance to photograph these two. They are just adorable! Their love for each other is so evident and it just shines in these images. We only shot for about 30 minutes but we got SO many awesome shots!

Enjoy some of my favorites from their shoot!

ps. so many people have asked – her adorable skirt is from target 😉 only the best place to shop!!!


  1. Tracy

    April 30th, 2015 at 8:34 pm

    Stunning – they must have been thrilled and delighted – must be tough being the ones always taking the pictures – you want some great ones too – precious gift you gave your new friends Kari! Tracy from Oz

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