Connect | Marriage Retreat

Personal, Travel

Apr 29, 2015


This past week Trevor & I had the privilege of heading to Rome, Georgia for a marriage conference! Connect is a marriage conference for couples who are in business together. It was absolutely amazing! We felt so encouraged and challenged throughout the whole week. We loved meeting so many other couples who are doing what we are and build relationships with them!

There were 4 different couples that spoke and they each were amazing. So many things were learned from them all. How to communicate better, dealing with our past, parenting (even though we aren’t there yet ;)), using our business as a ministry, building a community and sooo much more! A HUGE shot out to Zach & Jody Grey who head this retreat along with the other speakers Jenni & Nathan, Katelyn & Michael, and Jeff & Julie. It seriously was a huge blessing to get away with your spouse and focus on your marriage. We are so excited for next year already.

 Each night after the evening session we broke up into different small groups and talked about what were learning and the Lord was challenging us. It was so encouraging hearing from other couples and what the Lord was doing in each of our lives. We loved our small group and are so thankful for them! We love you guys (Kelsey, Craig, Faith, Jonathan, Katelyn & Michael!!!!)

The last full day we had Couples building day in the afternoon! It was a blast! We played games that challenged us to work together as a husband and wife. We walked through the woods blind folded trying to find your spouse, walked along tight ropes holding on to each other or walking towards each other, plus so many other games.

One last thing 🙂 A BIG thanks to Katelyn & Michael for taking to photograph and anniversary session for Trevor & I!!! We CAN’T EVEN WAIT TO SHARE THEM! She posted a blog of them, don’t miss them! Thank you guys a million!!! We LOVED spending time with you guys and building a deeper friendships. We love you both and super thankful for you guys!!!!

Enjoy the pictures! I only had my camera out on the last day, so most of the pictures are from our couples building activities. Enjoy!!!!

If this Connect Retreat is something you are interested in go check out their website, 2016 dates will be released soon!!!


  1. Jenni Oates

    April 29th, 2015 at 1:02 pm

    Girl, this is an awesome snapshot of the great times we shared this week! It was truly epic! I’m already ready for next years retreat to come! 🙂 Thanks for taking such beautiful shots. It was an honor to meet you and see a bit of your heart!

  2. Erica Manthey

    April 29th, 2015 at 8:46 pm

    These are SO fun! Thanks so much for sharing. I even spy a great shot of my man! 😉 Hope to see you guys there next year!

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