Weekend Wrap Up

Personal, Travel

Aug 31, 2015


We started looking at our schedule for the next few months and when we saw we had 1 weekend off we decided lets not book anything around it and take a break together before we head into the fall season! That is exactly what we have been doing the last few days! This last Thursday we got on a plane and headed to Naples, Florida. We head home this week but it has been so so nice to relax and rest. I haven’t been posting much except for Instagram, because our places doesn’t have internet, which is a good thing because we can actually rest and not work ALL the time!!! (I am sitting in Panera now) 🙂 

It has been so much fun! We have eaten tons, walked the beaches, laid at the pool, drank Starbucks, watched a lot of HGTV, hung with our friends the Jackson’s, shopped, went to a baseball game, and just enjoyed each others company!  We are thankful for setting aside time away. Their is something that is hard for me and that is saying “No” I love my clients and my business, but one thing I have learned since being married is to value your time with your spouse and sometimes saying “No” is okay and a good thing. We will be enjoying a few more days of paradise and then back home! We miss our sweet pup so much! Thank you momma for watching her!!!

We cant wait to kick off the fall season this weekend! Tomorrow is September 1st! Crazy! Where has this year gone! We are thrilled to announce some new things that will be happening this fall! I can’t wait to share with you all! So don’t miss tomorrow’s post.

As for now, enjoy your Monday! Find moments to take time for yourself and with your husband this week.

P.S. here are snippets of our vacation through iPhone pictures 🙂 



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