A Week in Richmond, Virginia

education, Travel

Nov 17, 2015


Last week was a week to remember!!

This fall at the Pursuit Conference I met Ashley Herrinton, one of the sweetest and most genuine ladies ever! Seriously, we hit it off like we had known each other for years and we were simply just catching up. We realized that week how similar we were and how similar our spouses were. Like it was CRAZY how much we were alike! I loved it. We also do the same thing as the Herrinton’s – Video & Photo husband and wife team. It is always so nice meeting other couples who do what you do. We can learn from each other, encourage one another and be real. I was so thankful to have met Ashley at Pursuit. She has come such a dear friend of mine! We new we had to reunite with us all sooner rather then later!

Soon after the conference Ashley & Ty contacted us about coming out to their workshop to film behind the scenes and then create a promo film for their business. Last week, we spent the week in Richmond Virginia and it was seriously a blast! Their workshop was a 2 day workshop and was so fun to be a part of. It was great learning from them and getting to spend time with them. We stayed 2 extra days to film their promo film for their business! We literally had the time of our lives. We laughed until we cried and stayed up way to late filming and learning new techy tricks. We already started to plan a trip together and I can hardly wait to hang with them all once again. It was such a great week!!! We did film for them and I cant wait to see what Trevor puts together. I know it will be amazing! Be on the look out. You can head over to Trevor’s instagram for a little teaser footage of Tyler. 

Here are some iPhone photos and camera photos of our time there. I am SO excited for the next trip to see these two. Thank you Ashley & Tyler for hosting us! It was seriously a blast!!!!! See you all soon!



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