Weekend Wrap Up


Apr 11, 2016


Wedding season has officially started here! 

Saturday, I was in columbus for the day. I was able to attend my childhood best friends, Lindsay’s wedding shower. It was so fun seeing so many old neighbors and catching up. Plus my two sisters and I had a chance to just hang with no hubby’s or babies! It was so fun. Lindsay & Drew are one of my June wedding this year and I can hardly wait for their day. It is going to be so beautiful and so fun to capture!!! After the shower, I had a family shoot with one of my newborns I photographed a year ago and now she is 1!! So crazy seeing how fast they grow. I love keeping up with my clients and spending time catching up on life. Trevor 2nd shot video with a friend all day! So wedding season kicked off a day early for him. 

We kicked off our 1st spring wedding Sunday and it felt so good shooting again. However, I am definitely out of shape haha my feet were sore and I was whipped after the day! But it was so worth it. I always love celebrating with couples and capturing sweet moments on their day. A few sneak peeks are below, but be sure to check back on the blog on Wednesday for the full wedding blog! 

Sunday was not just our kick off to wedding season, but it was my sweet sweet hubby’s BIRTHDAY!!! yes! that is right, Trevor turned 29!! We made sure to get up early and spend some time together and have his favorite for lunch, Chipotle. 🙂 I was remembering to just 3 years ago when it was his 27th birthday. We hadn’t been keeping in touch or anything, but his birthday popped up on Facebook, so as most people do, I wrote Happy Birthday Trevor! He commented back on the post which led to a little thread on the post. 1 month later we reconnected in person and the next month we were dating and the rest is history! Can’t believe it was just 3 years ago when this fun adventure started. I am so thankful to call Trevor my husband and best friend. There is nothing better then living life with him. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABE! Love you! Oh and he got a boosted board, so you won’t want to miss all the fun videos on snapchat (karimephoto) He is LOVING it. 

Whose officially ready for warm weather?! I know I am. This crazy weather we have been having is making my nose run all the time. warm, cold, snow, sleet, rain, snow, warm, snow. I can’t keep up. BUT! Looking ahead this week it looks like a nice week is about to start and I can hardly wait! We have a handful of shoots, mentoring, and a video wedding this weekend! Be on the look out for updates on Instagram

Here to a happy Monday!




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