Weekend Wrap Up


May 16, 2016

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Well the spring warm weather took a turn for cold, windy and rainy! I am sitting here wrapped up in a blanket because we had turned out heat off.. Oh ohio, where is summer?! 

This weekend was so fun though! We photographed Anthony & Jennifer’s big wedding day! We had been looking forward to this for a while. I have known Jennifer for sometime. She mentored with me and it has been so fun getting to know her over the years. Their day turned out beautiful even though it was cold and windy! Thanks you two for baring the wind!!!

Also, on Saturday, Remi visited the groomers.. So sad her hair is gone 🙁  She looks a little funny, well kind of a lot funny haha but we still love her. She is loving the short hair cut. But I a missing the long flowy hair. At least for now I won’t have to worry about mats and I know her hair will grow back fast. She is pretty cold now with the change in weather as well, she has been hiding under blankets or in our bed. Tough life I know. 

This week is a big week! We are having our Spring Workshop on THURSDAY!!! EEK! I can hardly wait!!!! We will be busy prepping for it. Here’s to making the most this Monday!!


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