Laura + Pete | Engaged

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Feb 14, 2014

A Snowy Sunset Engagement Shoot

 What’s a better post then a snowy, lovey engagement shoot on valentines day!

Meeting Laura back in December, I KNEW her and I would click immediately! We had so many things in common and even our fiancés Loved golf. As we sat in Panera Bread, we talked for over an hour of just wedding plans. I was loving hearing about her wedding day. I heard back from them a few days later to schedule engagement pictures. She dreamed of snowy pictures. Which as you all know this Winter that has NOT been hard to find snow. However, this super cold and windy weather has not always been our friend. Well, luckily 3rd time is a charm! We rescheduled this session 3 times because it was just so nasty outside or absolutely freezing. I am glad we waited for that perfect day. The sun showed up. Not very often this winter have we seen much sun. It made for some beautiful picture of this gorgeous couple!!! It was pretty cold out there still, but Laura & Pete did an awesome job of sticking through it! We took a few breaks to warm up our hands and our feet, but this was definitely worth it!

I am seriously LOVING all these pictures in this session. We spent about 1 hour capturing all of these. They learned fast and were great models! I reminded them many times, I promise your wedding day won’t be this cold. They will be getting married in June. Such a beautiful warm month to get married in. I can’t wait to capture their wedding day!! It is going to be beautiful, I know through hearing about all Laura’s ideas.

Thanks again Laura & Pete for sticking out in the cold weather for these!! It was definitely worth it. I cant’t wait to be apart of your beautiful day!!


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