Bowman to Be {5}

Blog, Galleries

Feb 13, 2014

Crafting & Mail Surprises

Crafting has been in full force over here! This week has been fun getting to see things come together. Our invitations are being printed!!! {I CANT WAIT TO SHARE THOSE WITH YOU!!} I used my little knowledge of graphic design and created them. They are simple but exactly what we wanted! Hopefully that will be next week’s blog. Anywho! This week, I also received some fun things in the mail. Our custom stamp -which by the way matches our invite font- and my “Mrs. Bowman” Hanger for my wedding dress to hang on. Eeerkk! I love it!!! Receiving things int he mail can be so fun! I love the anticipating of knowing something fun is coming. (This can be a bad thing, because I tend to order a lot online.)

What our main project this week was to paint these mason jars Mint Green. They Will be apart of our center pieces, so each table will have one. It is a perfect add to bringing in the mint green color. I was pretty skeptical at 1st. I did not want it to look “cheap,” but I actually LOVE them. We found the perfect color and I am excited how they turned out! We are painting around 40 of these. I know thats a ton, but they will look amazing on each table. After we finish painting them all with 2 coats, we are going to rough them up a little to add to the rusticness (I made that word up). Well, I hope that you love them as much as I do. They are very simple if you are every wanting to paint mason jars. Just grab some paint and a foam brush. Go up and down all the way around. With this lighter color they will need 2 coats. I was not looking for them to be perfect, so there is definitely some streaks, but if you didn’t want that just add more layers. Hope that helps!

That’s all for now! Our day is soon approaching and we can hardly wait! Only 72 more days!!!!


  1. Donna Jones

    February 13th, 2014 at 10:28 pm

    Where did u get the hanger from? I love it

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