A Month of Change

Blog, Galleries

Apr 1, 2014

We’re Getting Married in 26 DAYS!!!!

Wow! I can’t believe how fast the time has flown by over the past few months! It seems like just yesterday Trevor & I got engaged. ((P.S. if you missed that post check it out here))  Now APRIL is here and our wedding is just around the corner. We are so excited to see all the details come together. Just a few more things to still check off the list over the next few weeks, but we can hardly wait! I hope you have enjoyed the {Bowman To Be} post. They have been so fun to write and share the excitement for our wedding day!

 Not only am I getting MARRIED to the love of my life at the end of the month, but I will be MOVING! But NO worries, I am moving just north of Columbus, to a little town called Upper Sandusky where Trevor currently lives.  It is a little over 1 hour away from columbus. It is definitely more country — small town feel then the uppity up city life, but I am so excited to start our lives together here. We have been decorating our little apartment and it has come together so nicely! I can’t wait to move in and finish it and start sharing it all with you guys here on the blog! I seriously lOVE our apartment. I have been slightly jealous Trevor has gotten to enjoy it with out me 😉 We have received so many wonderful shower and wedding gifts. It’s a blast filling our home with them.

Now, serious talk. I know so many of you are probably thinking, “”Oh No! she is moving, we are losing our photographer”” STOP thinking that now! =) You are not losing anyone. I will simply be traveling back weekly for photo-shoots. I will have a more set shooting schedule most likely, but I will still be very flexible. So no one needs to fret! I look at this opportunity of moving as broadening my business! I will get to network with more people and meet new people! I will stay connected down here as much as I am now. Weddings will still be my main thing and will be traveling anywhere and everywhere for those! ((I am so excited!)) My newborns down here will still be shot at my current home, My parents have so kindly let me keep my little studio going. And Don’t worry I will still do all those Mini shoots you all love! I will just get to do them up there as well. I am very excited for these changes.

There has been some worries in the back of my head at times, that I have shared with Trevor: a lot of “what if no one wants me now” but I know that the Lord has opened up a new door for me and He is going to use these changes huge in my life, our marriage, and this business. Because the Lord uses everything for His good and He always has a better plan then I do. I have Trevor as a huge support system and is always encouraging me. I am so very thankful for him.

So there it is, The big news! Most of you already new I will be moving, but I wanted to share a little bit of my heart! And make sure you all knew my business in columbus won’t be changing. I haven’t started packing my things yet, but I am going to start working on that soon! I have 26 days right?! haha!

Enjoy this beautiful day! Thanks for reading!!


  1. Tracy

    April 1st, 2014 at 10:30 pm

    Hi Kari – it is your Aussie fan and follower!!! (Chelsea’s friend). I just wanted to say congratulations on your pending wedding and move and expansion of your business. I have sssooooo enjoyed following your ‘Bowman to Be’ blog and absolutely love ALL your work and all you share from your heart. What a blessing to do what you love – bet it doesn’t feel like work…I believe the Lord is definitely opening new doors for you and your hubby to be. You will be able to bless so many others with your gift and love of the Lord. When I married my husband nearly 20 years ago part of my vows said” wherever you go – I will go – your home will be home…” I got married in Johannesburg South Africa…we then moved to Cape Town and onto a farm where my husband helped his dad farm his apples pears and plums for 4 years… (my husband took a break from teaching) – he then got a teaching post in Abu Dhabi for 2 years – off we went with our 2 sons aged 3 and 5. Then it was back to Cape Town to resume teaching – me resume Hospice nursing for 3 years where we prepared to immigrate to Australia. 8 years on I look back and reflect on our incredible lives together – full of new beginnings, new sights, new friends, new opportunities, new insights, new struggles and challenges that made us grow as a couple and as individuals…you have to grab every new opportunity with both hands – life in the end – turns out to be very short – as a Hospice nurse I am all too aware of that…we shouldn’t live with regrets and what if’s…the Lord wants to use us in so many ways and bring across our paths incredible people, incredible love and blessings…you are an inspiration and truly lift my spirits with your work – thank you Kari!! <3

  2. Roman {Newborn} » KariMe Photography – Natural Light Photography

    April 16th, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    […] This was my 1st newborn shoot out in Harpster! {Where I will be moving once I am married–NEXT WEEK!} I will be doing photo shoots up there, but no worries I will still be doing sessions down in Columbus weekly. You can read more here! […]

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