Nashville Weekend


Nov 24, 2014

Weekend Wrap Up

Trevor & I went to Nashville for the weekend, for one of his best friends weddings! We traveled down friday and stayed til Sunday. We had such a great time. Trev got to see lots of his buddies from college and catch up. The wedding was so beautiful in an old wear house building. It had exposed brick walls everywhere. It was so so beautiful. The decor was amazing as well. It was so fun to attend another wedding this year! I attended two weddings all year and they were in the same month! Crazy. After the wedding Saturday, we went to downtown Nashville to listen to some live music and get some good food. It was so fun exploring and staying out late. We ate at Nashville Street Taco’s (which was so good) and listen to a 17 year old girl sing amazing! Sunday we went to breakfast at the Pancake factory with trevor’s buddies and then traveled hope. So thankful for a nice weekend away! I love exploring other cities, trying new food (I had waffles and fried chicken one day) and finding cute coffee shops. I only used my iPhone this weekend, I didn’t even take my camera out of the bag. It was a nice break. So sorry for the quality 😉



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