Just 1 Year Ago!


Dec 5, 2014

One of the best days EVER! 

 1 year ago today, I said YES to MARRYING Trevor! It seems like just yesterday he asked me to be his wife and now we have been MARRIED for over 7 months!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!

Everything about our proposal was perfect. I still love talking about it. We had spent the day shopping and I had hoped soon we would be getting engaged, and wondered when it would happen, but Trevor wanted to surprise me completely. We had set up a triple date this night with my sisters and their husbands. Little did I know I would plan my own engagement. I suggested going to Thurman’s for dinner, Shannon loves hamburgers and walk through german village, (my favorite part of the columbus). This so happened to be Trevor & I’s 1st date. So I always loved coming here. We started walking through the Park, we were with Shannon and Jeff and meeting Morgan and Michael down there.  It had started to rain, and told Trevor we didn’t have to go to the park, but he insisted. As we got closer to out spot, Trevor started walking with command and my heart started to race. I could see something in the distance but had no idea what. Then I could see it all, i just lost it. I couldn’t believe what was about to happen. Morgan was “meeting” us there, because she was off in the distance taking these amazing pictures and the moment I said YES! Trevor got down on one knee and I screamed and said Yes. Now the rest is history. 🙂 I am married to the most amazing man in the world and could not be happier.

I just LOVED looking through our proposal pictures and relieving one of the best days ever! To view more pictures and the blog I when we got engaged check it out here. The full story of “US” is on here. 

I thank the Lord every day for blessing me with a wonderful man, I had prayed sooo many years for. I love now being able to capture these exciting times for so many people. I really do have the best job in the world.

Happy Friday Everyone! Let someone know how much they mean to you today.


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