The Best of 2014 Weddings


Dec 30, 2014


2014 was an AMAZING year!!! 24 beautiful weddings!

Woah! I am so completely blessed by each of these couples. It was so fun being a part of their wedding day. I loved looking back through their weddings. I picked a picture of each wedding, one of my favorites. Thank you all so much for having us be a part of your wedding day. If you missed their blog post, I posted their link by each of their pictures. Hope you enjoy reliving some awesome weddings!

2015 is already looking to be an amazing year!!!! Already have 20 beautiful weddings I get to be apart of! I am seriously so excited for what is to come. I can’t wait to add to the KariMe Brides!!!

Oh and what made this year even is better is that Trevor & I got married!!! I also posted a pic and our blog as well 😉



Julie & Tim

Dara & Sara

Kira & John

Ashleigh & Lee

Nikki & Jeremy

Laura & Pete

Heather & Tony

Morgan & Michael

Marissa & Parker

Janelle & Dan

Nikki & Levi

Alyssa & Brian

Morgan & Zach

Lauren & Ryan

Diana & Sam

Nathan & Merinda

Mallory & Matthew

Kari & Mike

Alex & Sarah

Michael  & Bethany 

Alix & Joel

Liz & Mason

Christy & Brandon

Hannah & Jay

Brooke & Chris

Kari & Trevor

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