New Year’s Eve!

Business, Personal

Dec 31, 2014


A fellow photographer I follow, Jame Delaine, wrote a blog post last week about looking back over 2014 and then looking forward to 2015. She came up with these 5 questions for looking back and looking forward and challenged others to answer them and share with others.

WOAH! I can’t even believe today is the last day of 2014!! What an amazing incredible year it truly has been! From planning a wedding, to marrying my best friend Trevor, an incredible wedding, moving away from home an hour away, to watching my baby sister marry the love of her life, having an incredible year of business. I could not be more thankful for this year!

Thank you to all my amazing clients this year as well! It was amazing with over 180 portraits session, 11 mentoring sessions, and 25 weddings. Thank you for the constant support, encouragement, and sweet emails or messages. I love my job and amazing opportunities the Lord has given me.

Heres to the #2014blog2014 challenge!

What are you most proud of this year?
I am MOST proud of MARRYING Trevor, the love of my life this year! He is the Best thing that has ever happened to me and I am so so so thankful for him everyday. I love living life with him in our cute little home and exploring the world. I can’t even wait for what this next year holds!!!! So many exciting things to come.

What was the biggest risk you took?
Moving away from Columbus and starting Mentoring one on one sessions this year. When I knew I would be moving away 1-1.5 hours north of columbus, I was so nervous of what would happen to my business, But the Lord was so faithful and my business grew even more. It seriously has been an amazing blessing and I lOVE it. I also started teaching/mentoring this year!!! This was something I had dreamed of doing, but never thought I would “know” enough to do it. I took the leap of faith and now mentoring has become such a huge part of my business and one of my favorite things to offer. I mentored 11 women this year and it has been so rewarding see their business grow along with their confidence.

What did you learn this year?
Leave and cleave. The biggest thing I learned this year was to grow up and move away from my family and become one with my husband. I am very much a home body and love my family so so much, so moving away was a huge step in my life. It has been so fun to learn to be good wife. Business wise, I learned how important it is to schedule yourself. Now being married and not only running a business, but being a wife, I learned a lot about balance. This is something I am still learning and hope to improve in 2015.

What do you wish you had made more time for?
I wish this year I made more time for eating healthy and working out. I know Everyones new year resolution is working out, But seriously, I hope this next year I can do a better working out and eating better. I also wish I had made more time for spending time in the word. It so easy to wait until the end of the day or not to get to reading my Bible or praying because of some random excuse. I want this to be top priority next year and start in the Morning with the Lord.

What are 3 highlights (business or personal) of your year?
3 highlights of this year:
1. Getting Married in April to my husband Trevor!
2. Shooting 25 beautiful weddings!
3. Finding out I am getting published into online blogs!
4. Watching my Husband grow to love Videography and be amazing at it!
5. Honeymooning in the British Virgin Islands

What “word” do you want to define 2015?
Adventurous! Trevor & I are starting a new journey together this year and I am so excited for the new adventure we will start on. 

What are 3 big goals (business or personal) for 2015?
1. Get published in a magazine. This year I got published online, but seeing my work in a magazine someday is a dream! I am going to really work on submitting my work this year.
2. Learn my way around the kitchen! I get stressed at dinner time, not knowing what to cook. I want to be confident in my cooking!
3. Getting a labradoodle. haha my husband wants a dog so bad.

What do you want to stop doing in 2015?
 I bite my cheek and its a reallllllly bad habit. Trevor is on me to stop, I really need to.

What things excite you about the upcoming year?
Becoming a Husband/Wife team! Trevor will be joining me as we make photography our full time job.  He will also be launching his videography company, 740 FILMS!!!! We are SO excited for what is to come this year next as we work together and watch his videography company grow!!!!

What do you want to learn in 2015?
Becoming a better business owner and giving my clients the best experience possible.



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