Vacation Wrap Up!

Personal, Travel

Jan 6, 2015


The weekend wrap up on TUESDAY! Better late then never! Yesterday, we took the day to get christmas down and adjust back from vacation. We had such a wonderful time with my family in Hilton Head. It was a relaxing and rejuvenating week! Thank you everyone for all the amazing feed back and encouragement as Trevor & I start doing photography full time and launching his Videography! Hope you didn’t miss his amazing promo video, if so check it here!! We are thrilled for the next year!

While we were on vacation we went to the beach and took some maternity pictures for my sister! And it just so happens to be her birthday, so HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHANNON! She is due in March, but measuring a little bigger, so maybe we will see the little man in February! We are so excited she is having a boy, our 1st little nephew on my side!! So many little girls, it will be fun to have a boy in the mix. Here are some pictures from the day on the beach.

Today, we got a snow day! About 4-5 inches of snow and its bitter cold out. So we are snuggled up and editing a little bit today. I am excited to kick off 2015’s 1st wedding this Saturday!! As for now, Enjoy the warm or the snow 🙂

Happy Tuesday!


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