Welcome 2015!


Jan 2, 2015


Lots of new things coming your way this year!

We are so excited to announce that Trevor will be joining me this year as we make our photography our full time job. Whoohoo!!  Along with doing photography, Trevor has launched his videography company, 740 Films! You do NOT want to miss his promo video, its amazing!!! (you can watch it below) Also he is launching his website today! www.740films.com Go check it out, esp all those brides out there! He makes some outstanding, handcrafted wedding films. He already has 9 wedding booked. Go like and share his Facebook page here! I am so excited for him!

One last thing that is a BIG change to 2015 is we are rebranding KariMe Photography!! KariMe Photography is staying, but will have a whole new look to it! We are having Krista Jones redesign it all! We are so excited to have her working with us on this project. We will have a New website, logo design, and stationary. I can’t wait to give KariMe a huge face lift! We will be working on this over the next month or two, but I will keep you updated along the way! What are some things you would love to see in the new brand?!

Woah! Lots of amazing things in store this year. We are so thankful for all of your support and encouragement. We are so excited to see what the Lord has for us over the next year for both our photography and videography.

We would not be where we are if it wasn’t for the Lord carrying us here!

“Praise the Lord; praise God our savior!
For each day he carries us {KariMe} in his arms.”
-Psalm 68:19-

740 Films

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