Weekend | Wrap Up


Mar 16, 2015


Woah! What an AWESOME weekend it was! 

 Back in the fall I received a Facebook message from Katie. We both mentored with Katelyn James and she connected us together here back in Ohio! Little did we know we only lived a short distance away. Katie emailed back in the fall asking if I wanted to go to the Reset Conference and we saw Katelyn was going to be speaking and it was a short drive from Ohio and we were sold!

Fast forward to this weekend! Saturday, I met up with Katie owner of Katie Lee Photography and finally met in person for the 1st time and we headed out to the RESET Conference together in Champaign, Illinois! What a blast of a weekend we had. It was a 1 day conference started at 8:45am and ended at 8pm. Katelyn James Photography, Sarah Beth Photography, and Zach & Jody Photography were the 3 main speakers and WOAH they were fantastic! Katelyn is a sweet friend and an amazing mentor to me. I love learning from her and hearing her speak truth. She is all about sharing community amongst her clients and showing them who Jesus is through her business. Amazing I know! Sarah has a thriving family portrait business and encouraged us to do only what we love and its okay to say no to what we don’t enjoy doing. Zach & Jody challenged us with what are the TRUTHS of your business, have a vision, a mission, values, goals and how to run a successful business. You can’t sit and hope it comes to you, you must work hard for it. All three speakers were amazing. Then there were breakout sessions and 1 concept shoot I signed up for (which was amazing- shooting my 1st stylized shoot – can’t wait to share it on the blog this week!) Overall the day was amazing. So many notes were taken and my heart was so full and encouraged by the wonderful people here.

One thing I learned and want to take away from this weekend is to be transparent with your clients and seeking to build that relationship with them and a community around them. I feel like Trevor & I have started this path already, but I want to push it even more this year. We love my clients and I love the relationships we have with them. We am so excited for my 2015 and 2016 bride & grooms. We want to invest more into getting to know them and building that trust and friendship even more and let them know they are valued. I know coming up on my 1 year of marriage how important it is to have those people you can trust and encourage you through marriage. We want to show that to my couples and be a support system for them. As for my portrait clients I want to build that friendship and trust as well, I love all my sweet families and so thankful for the continual encouragement and for always coming back to me! It means the world, I want them to know how important they are to me. With all this being said over the next few months we hope that this begins to really show and be a huge part of our business. I am so thankful to have Trevor a part of this with me. He didn’t get to attend this conference with me, but we will be attending a the Connect Marriage conference next month and I can’t wait! I am also working on our rebrand with Krista Jones! It is coming together and I can’t wait to launch it all! We are in the design process of the website and I am so excited to see what she comes up with. Be on the look out for an improved Kari Me Photography!

Thank you so much! You all means to much to this business and I am beyond grateful for what the Lord has done.

More to come with Kari Me!!


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