Missouri Bound

Personal, Travel

Mar 25, 2015


Lately we have done so much traveling! It has been a fun month for sure! Utah-Iowa-Illinois-and now Missouri! (All in 1 month!)

I flew out yesterday evening to visit my best friend Bre and meet her & Nathan’s newest addition Annabelle. After almost missing my connecting flight because of a delayed flight I thankfully made it here last night! I am so excited to spend the next couple days here snuggling Annie and taking some pictures of her. I can’t wait to share with you more photos! I will be working some from here and replying to emails, just may be a little slower!

I do want to annouce I am scheduling spring and summer shoots and penciling in fall shoots as well. So it’s never to early to shoot me an email! I am going to be keeping to a schedule this year so only offering so many portraits shoots a month and the days they are on since wedding season is upon us and its going to be busy! I also have some dates left for weddings this year! So email me for those too. 🙂 I am so excited for the 23 weddings I have booked now!

Well thats a quick midweek update 🙂 Enjoy your Wednesday!


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