Annabelle Grace | Trip to Missouri

lifestyle, Travel

Mar 27, 2015


What a fun week it has been! Bre and I grew up together, (our families were always good friends). We were best friends from the time we were kids. We attended each other’s birthday parties, went to the same church, the same school and my 1st sleep over ever was at her house! We played sports together in high school and we were roommates my freshman year at Cedarville! I was her maid of honor and she was in my wedding and NOW she is a MOMMA! A wonderful beautiful Mother to her sweet little girl Annabelle Grace.

WOW! It is so amazing to see how the Lord has grown us over the years and how are relationship has never faded but only gotten stronger. Even with the distance between us. I am so thankful for our friendship! I was so excited to be able to fly out here and meet their little girl who is just over 2 weeks old. Annie is such an angel! It was so great to see Bre be a mom and see how much she loved her sweet little girl.

Oh I could go on and on! This week was SO needed and it was such a blast to relax, catch up, hangout, eat lots of junk food and take lots of pictures of their sweet little girl. I loved spending this time with them. I am so grateful for these two and I can’t wait to share all of their pictures!

The 1st full day I was here it was 70’s degrees and we took full advance of that! We went to a local park and took some family pictures. It was so nice!

Well here are a few of my favorites from that session. We did do indoor newborn shots and those will come to you next week!!! Eeeeek I can’t wait!



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