Our Home | Exterior

Blog, Home

May 8, 2015

Our little place called Home


As I announced on Monday, each Friday, I will be blogging a little something about our home or garden. This is my 1st year really truly gardening (Not just in clay pots) and I am excited to see how it goes!

On Wednesday my hubby staked off our garden and killed off all of the grass to get it prepped to dig up!  I’m so excited to see if we can actually grow something!  We will probably till it up next week so hopefully next Friday I will have some fun behind the scenes pics of us prepping the garden!  But for today, I have some spring time pics of the exterior of our home.  Sometimes Trevor and I talk about wanting to own our own home or moving out to the country but we both have to admit that we absolutely LOVE our little place.  It’s plenty of room for the three of us – yes, Remi is a part of the family 😉 and it’s nice being so close to everything in town.  It’s an old brick house that one of Trevor’s friends owns and completely remodeled (Joey of JC Design and Construction) and he did an AWESOME job!  Scroll through the photos to see why we love it and happy Friday everyone!!! 🙂



This has quickly become Trevor and I’s favorite part of the house!!! We love sitting out on our deck and enjoying the fresh air!


We have a lilac bush in our yard and I LOVE the way it smells.  I have been putting it all over the house!!!


Our faux front door.  Because of the layout of the house, this door is actually just for show!  That is our bedroom on the other side and from the inside it’s just a wall!  No door!


This little table was an awesome find at an auction (only $60!!!) and it’s going to be our little gardening workstation!!!


I love spring blooms!!! So pretty!!!



Of course I had to sneak in a pic of Remi 😉  Thanks for reading the blog today and check in next Friday for an update on our Garden!


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