Weekend Wrap Up


May 11, 2015


Oh! This weekend was so nice! We had both Saturday & Sunday off with no scheduled shoots. Busy season is upon us and it was so nice to have a weekend to ourselves. I love shooting weddings and giving up my weekends, but it is nice when you have nothing for once here and there! We soaked up every minute of it and was so thankful for beautiful weather!

Now, Friday we did have an AWESOME engagement shoot and I cant wait to blog it this week! Be on the look out!

Saturday, we enjoyed a nice morning with coffee and donuts watching Ava & Cooper for a little while, they are Trevor’s sister’s twins that are 3 years old. They are TOO cute! We ran around with the Remi and had a good ol time. Then Trevor got to our big project of the weekend, building a GARDEN! We went to lowes and the greenhouse and got all we needed for the perfect garden. Trevor is a Rockstar and brought my garden to life in 1 day!! I cant wait to share Friday’s post with behind the scenes of building the garden, GET EXCITED! Now we just have to pray things grow! Either way, it was a fun project and I am determined to learn to be a gardner. Saturday evening with celebrated Mother’s Day with Trevor’s side of the family at his sisters house. It was a great night, we stayed up until midnight around the bonfire talking about childhood memories and laughing so hard. It was a blast.

Sunday, was official Mother’s day. So Happy Mother’s Day! We went to church and lunch with Trevor’s parents and then traveled down to Columbus to spend the evening with my family. It was a good day. I love having time with family and beyond thankful for my amazing Mom! I love you MOM!

Overall, this weekend was great! Breaks are good. Scheduling time off is refreshing. I am so thankful for this past weekend! Don’t be afraid to say no sometimes and enjoy a weekend to yourself and hubby or family. It is needed for sure!  I Can’t wait to get shooting again! This week is wedding week for the Bowman Family. Hannah, my sister is law, is getting married Saturday! Trevor will be videoing and I’ll be photographing. Can’t wait to share with you all pictures.

Well! Have a FABULOUS Monday! Be thankful for a New Day! 🙂


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