Rutter Family | Adoption Story

Blog, lifestyle

May 19, 2015

1 week ago today, the Rutter family officially adopted sweet Grayson!

Trevor & I had the honor of capturing this adorable family in honor of finalizing Grayson’s Adoption. We spent a Sunday evening together, getting to know the Rutter family. Their heart for adoption and love for Grayson is incredible. Grayson is truly a gift from the Lord. They have waited and waited for this day to come and it is finally here! They have had Grayson since he was born, and have raised him for the past 18 months as foster parents. I am beyond excited for this family to finally be able to call Grayson their own. The journey was long and hard, but the blessing at the end was worth it all!

Enjoy this beautiful adoption story film Trevor with 740 films put together. Make sure to have some tissues by your side. (Click HD for the best quality) Also look how happy this family is as you scroll through the images. You can truly see how loved Grayson is and how excited he is to be a Rutter!


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