Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 8, 2015

This weekend was a blast! I loved being a part of Tina & Stephen’s wedding day. It was a beautiful Saturday start to finish. Celebrating with these two was an honor. Their love for each other is contagious! I was pretty much obsessed with the bouquets. They were amazing. All the different shades of purple were beautiful as well. I cant wait to share with you all their full wedding blog on Wednesday! For now enjoy a few sneak peeks! 

Sunday, we enjoyed our Sunday morning church services and then headed to Columbus for a day date and then a family shoot! It was a great afternoon and the family shoot was perfect. Despite the little drizzle the family stuck it out and we got beautiful images! Yay! 

A new thing I want to start doing on each Monday post (weekend wrap up) is to share a few tips we learned from over the weekend! Here are this weeks!

1. Always have a plan B. When we arrived at the 1st look location, there was a wedding going on, but within 30 seconds I had already thought of another place to go to. It worked out perfectly thankfully! To go along with this, call ahead of where you are thinking of shooting and make sure it’s free that day! We were going to a public park, So normally it would have been fine, (And we didn’t know weddings could go on there!) but a wedding had just finished and we didn’t want to interrupt or take away from theirs.
2. The getting ready room for the bride & groom was very tight and the lighting wasn’t great, we asked her to step into a foyer area where there was natural light for getting ready to give her the best images. Don’t be afraid to let your clients know! They have hired you, so they will trust you. Give them your best work!
3. When it’s 80 degrees and humid, don’t wear a long black skirt! I was DYING! 
4. LASTLY! Don’t put your iPhone on the top of your car when you are packing up your car at night, It WILL fall off! Thankfully we found it in the street with NO scratches! PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!

That’s all for this weekend wrap up!!! 


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