Weekend Wrap


Oct 5, 2015


Hi Friends!

This past weekend we had a double header wedding weekend for us. It was so wonderful celebrating with Jennifer + Eli on Friday at the Pinnacle Golf Club in Grove city and then on Saturday traveling to Dayton, Ohio and celebrating with Heather + Matthew! Despite all the rain, wind, and chilly temperatures both these couples and their bridal parties were troopers! Each of their wedding day’s were just beautiful! I am so excited to share their blogs with you this week!

Today, I am traveling to Georgia this week for the Pursuit Conference and I couldn’t be more excited for the next few days!! I cant wait to meet so many new people and build new friendships. I have been looking forward to this week for so long. Nothing better then taking a break from the busyness to be encouraged and surrounded by others who are right there with you! I am looking forward to my heart being challenged and I cant wait for al the things the Lord will teach me as I am here. With being gone, I will still be blogging things this week, but will be getting back to emails and sending galleries once I return at the end of the week. So don’t worry I will get to you, Thank you for waiting! 

I hope you all have a fabulous Monday!! Here are some sneak peeks form the weekend 🙂 


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