

Nov 26, 2015

Counting your Blessing

Happy Thanksgiving Friends!!!! This is one of my favorite times of year to be with family and reflect on all the things to be thankful for. Thanksgiving has always been a big holiday in our family. For as far back as I can remember we spend thanksgiving with my whole Mom’s side of the family, which if we are all here is almost 70 family members!! How crazy is that?! This year there is around 40 and we are SO excited to be with our family.

I am also SO thankful for my sweet husband, Trevor. He loves me well, supports me continually, challenges me daily is my best friend. I love doing life with him and getting to run our business together.  Thank you for being the best Trevor!!!

One more thing I am super thankful for is all of YOU! The continue support and encouragement and sweet words from all you means the worlds to me! I wouldn’t have this business and get to do what I love if it wasn’t for you guys! So thank you for following along! 

lastly! one more shout out, thank you to the sweet and super talented Alicia white photography for this new picture!!!!! she took our pictures this week and I can hardly wait to see more. She is the best! If you are in NC and looking for a photographer check her out!!!


Psalm 107:1
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever.”




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