Starting Something New


Dec 7, 2015


Hello Friends!!!

I feel like lately I have been missing in action! It was thanksgiving and then Last week I spent the week in Iowa with my mom visiting my grandpa who was diagnosed with cancer this fall. It was a great week to spend with him and looking through SO many amazing old pictures. I cant wait to share more about that trip later this week!

The last few weeks I have been slacking on some of my personal blogs and keeping you all update to date on life. This fall has been super busy! So today we have something special for you all!!! Remember earlier this fall I told you I was going to start Vlogging?!? Well that was a total fail and after the 1st one I posted in September I haven’t posted one since! OOPS! Sorry about that! Trevor and I have been brainstorming new ideas and he came up with a more lifestyle Vlog idea. We follow some others who vlog daily and we decided to give it a shot! We wanted something that was different then what we have been doing and something we can use as a creative outlet for us. We actually filmed this a week ago yesterday (so last Sunday after thanksgiving when we got out tree). We keep going back and forth wether to post it or not because some may just see it as a waist of time. But this is us and we enjoyed filming it. Nothing in this film was scripted, the video was just always rolling. Trevor did an awesome job of putting it together. This was all his idea, so big shout out to him! We hope you enjoy a day in our lives. We hope to film more for you as the weeks come! We would love any feedback as well. You can also subscribe to our youtube channel. We hope to film some behind the scenes and other teaching blogs as well. We will just see what happens from here 🙂 

Subscribe to Trevor’s youtube channel here!! 

Thanks for stopping by. Have a wonderful Monday!!!!


When we were at the tree farm we ran into Trevor’s sister and her kiddos. How cute are these two?! They are twins and turn 4 Tuesday!!! Happy Birthday Kiddos!!! 

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