Trip to Iowa


Dec 9, 2015


Last week, my mom and I flew out to Iowa for the week to visit my grandpa (her dad). This fall he was diagnosed with terminal cancer, a form of leukemia. So many in the family have been traveling out their to visit him during this time. It was so so great to spend a few days with him, looking through old photo albums, talking about my grandma and all the things he has learned over the years. My grandpa and grandma were married for 60 years before my grandma past away 3 years ago of dementia. My grandpa took care of her up til the end. They dated for 7 years before getting married. How amazing is that, to be with the same person for almost 70 years!!!! So incredible!! My grandpa has been in ministry for almost 65 years. He is one of the most godly men I have ever known in my life. His love for people and his Savior pours out of every area in his life. He has been an amazing role model to look up too. Spending the few days with him last week meant so much. I was so grateful for this time. 

Please be praying for my grandpa as he is weakening physically. His spirits are so high and he is still up moving around. He is relying on the Lord’s strength every day. Thank you for your prayers.

I love you grandpa!!!!! here are some pictures of our time there. My grandpa looks great for 87 years of age!! 


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here are some iPhone photos! 🙂


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