KariMe Spring Workshop


Feb 24, 2016


*Click below for more information on the workshop*

KariMe Workshop | An Educational Workshop with a Styled Shoot

Registration starts Tuesday, March 1st at 9am! 


This week is such an great week! I am so excited to finally share more details on our Spring Workshop. Many of you have emailed me and asked if we were doing another one. The 1st workshop was a huge success and far past anything I had dreamed, hoped and prayed for. It was a huge blessing and there was nothing better then investing into a group of creatives. I have loved watching each of those business grow.

The KariMe workshop is for a small group of photographers who are looking to grow their business, see first hand how we interact with clients, have a solid workflow, and create an unforgettable client experience. This will be an intense one day workshop starting at 10 am and going until 9pm. It will be crammed with lots information, Q&A, a styled shoot and of course some delicious food! For more information click here

 I can hardly wait! Registration will open March 1st, but 1st, we wanted to GIVE AWAY a FREE seat again to one lucky person. 

Here is how to enter! 
1. Head over to Instagram and make sure you are following KariMePhoto 
2. Find the picture above, “like it”
3. Tag 2 friends in the comments that you think would love to come
4.  In your comment, share with us what winning a free seat at this workshop would mean to you! 
5. For a bonus entry, share this picture on instagram and tag #KariMeWorkshopGiveaway

That’s it! Winner will be picked at random on Monday evening (February 29th)! 

Registration will open on Tuesday Morning (March 1st) and you won’t want to miss the Early Early bird special!!! If you have any questions please email kari@karimephotography.com CAN’T WAIT!

To see more behind the scenes from our 1st fall workshop: Follow our Instagram #karimeworkshop at karimephoto
Here are other blogs related: Workshop Recap & Workshop Styled Shoot


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