Weekend Wrap Up


Mar 21, 2016


Spring has officially SPRUNG! 

Even if it is only in the 40’s todays, spring is officially here and that means warmer weather is coming along with blooms & green grass. How excited are you?! I know I cant wait to start shooting those beautiful evening shoots with glowy light again 🙂 I had a glimpse of it this weekend. I cant wait to share more of that engagement shoot!! 

On Friday, Trevor & Tyler went and filmed a wedding while Ashley & I had some girl time. We spent the morning catching up on work and laundry and then headed to Columbus. We ate at one of my favorite places, Bakersfield and of course we hit up target. Then on Saturday Ash & Tyler headed home. We had SUCH a blast with them. The full blog recap is coming tomorrow you won’t want to miss it. Thank you Ashley & Tyler for making the trip!!! It was such a fun week. 

Trevor & I headed home Saturday just in time for my engagement shoot with Emily & Jonny. Oh it was SO good. We were texting that morning wether or not to still do it because it was a nasty rain/snow. But thankfully it cleared up and we ended up shooting. The lighting was beautiful. I have SOOO many favorites from this shoot I can hardly wait to share more. Trev & I vegged the rest of Saturday night. We were both exhausted from the week. 

Sunday we spent the morning at church and lunch with Trevor’s family. I started not feeling great and it hit me fast. The nasty stomach bug. Thankfully it has been as bad as my sisters family has had it :(, but it has nocked me down and now I have been sleeping pretty much the last 24 hours. I am already feeling a little better today but definitely not fun!

So today, I am finishing up taxes and editing the day away!! Here’s to making the most of this Monday! 


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