Weekend Wrap Up


Jun 27, 2016

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What a weekend!!! 

If you missed the exciting news on Friday, no we aren’t pregnant but we did buy a house!!!!! More on that blog here. It has been a whirlwind of a weekend since! We had a double header weddings this weekend and man they were both gorgeous and SO fun to be a part of!!

My childhood best friend got married to her junior high crush on Saturday. Huge congrats to Lindsay & Drew!! It was a gorgeous wedding and Lindsay you were a beautiful bride. It was an extra fun day because my family was at the wedding!! It was just my sisters and my parents and it was just so fun. We all sat at the table together and took too many Photo Booth photos. We loved it. It is always nice having family at the wedding. I cant wait to share more of this gorgeous wedding on the blog this week! Oh and they also had late night snacks, Skyline Chili and white castle! What could be better?! haha

We spent the night at my parents house on Saturday, they had Remi for the weekend. They must have worn her out because she is STILL in bed as I type. Lazy dog. We went to my brother in law’s church on Sunday to hear about their missions trip they just got back from. It was so great and felt good to be in church! We then headed to our 2nd wedding of the weekend! I had been looking forward to this day for a while. When I met Alli & Danny back at their engagement photos they were the sweetest most genuine people. I knew their day would be nothing short of joy and love. They beamed all day yesterday. The day was relaxing and so fun. It was the hottest day of the year so far, but they never once complained. They shared the SWEETEST first look. Oh I cant wait to share their wedding on the blog this week. Huge congrats to Alli & Danny! 

It was a fun fill weekend. We slept in this morning and have lots of work to catch up on, but going to take it easy a little. Here’s to a great Monday ahead! So many fun wedding blogs coming this week. don’t miss them!


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