Weekend Wrap Up


Aug 29, 2016

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Double wedding weekend

I cant even believe we just had the last weekend in August!! THAT IS CRAZY! How is September LITERALLY almost here. Well, this past weekend was super great! We had two awesome weddings. They were both outdoor weddings and it was warm, but they were awesome. This is a crazy week and I am so excited for it! We have lots to accomplish before we leave for ICELAND & ITALY NEXT WEEK!! Eeek! How crazy is that?!

Friday night we shot a wedding in our OWN town here, Upper Sandusky. This was my 1st time getting to actually shoot in our town for a wedding. The wedding was literally 3 miles from our house and it was glorious! Katie + Kyle both grew up in Upper Sandusky, and they just moved back here from Columbus. My hubby grew up with them as well, so it was a fun wedding to be a  part of. They were married back in the woods at her families cabin. It was so cool! I had always dreamed of shooting out where she was married. I cant wait to share more on the blog this week!

Saturday, It was a hot 90+ degree day, so I wore my hair up (you can see the picture above) I came out and ask Trev what you thought and he died laughing, he said I looked like from the 1950’s with my beehive. (from the front) because I put a pouf in haha. We were dying, however my hair did hold all day long in the heat and humidity. haha!  We celebrate with Nyika & Chelsea! After 2 years of planning their day finally came. It was a beautiful backyard wedding. They shared a first look and it was sweet as can be. Chelsea’s two brothers escorted her to Nyika for their first look. I loved it. It was a beautiful afternoon, we did all their photos before the wedding. And Thankful we did! A huge storm came through just at the time of their ceremony, thankful the tent worked great and we did the ceremony under that and the rain cleared out soon after the wedding. Their day was so fun to be a part of. The sun even snuck out at the end again. 

Sunday, we went to church and rested the day away! It was so nice. I did have a family session in the evening out here in the country. It was a beautiful night! 

Now, we are hitting the ground running getting things done this week! I am so excited to share our FALL workshop details this week along with the fall mini info tonight at 7pm! So don’t miss that on the Facebook page 🙂 

Off to get some work done! Happy Monday!!


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