Weekend Wrap up


Sep 19, 2016


Hello Friends!!!

Wow! What a adventurous last 2 weeks we have had. We are finally back home and still working on getting back to normal. I cannot wait to share about our trip with you all this week!!! Iceland and Italy was incredible. I think I took thousands and thousands of photos. Don’t worry, I won’t share them all but I will be sharing a post from Iceland & Italy. We even snuck in some portraits of Ash & Ty in Italy and they took some of us. So excited to share it all over the next 2 weeks 🙂 

Well it is MONDAY, here is your weekend wrap up! Mostly this weekend we have slept and tried to kick jet leg in the face and snuggling our pup Remi :). BUT we did celebrate with two sweet people on Saturday!  Congrats to Bryce & Zack!! We loved being a part of their wedding day with friends and family! It was an 80% chance of rain all day and thankfully it didn’t rain for the portraits or ceremony, so Bryce’s dream of being married outside all worked out. It was such a blast to be a part of their day! I have also photographed Bryce’s sister, Alix & Joel’s wedding 2 years ago, and her cousins wedding, Ariel & Matt 3.5 years ago! 🙂 I loved getting to see past brides at wedding’s and get to catch up with them. I will be sharing their full wedding on Wednesday! 

One important thing I want to announce again is our Fall Workshop! I know it was poor planning on my part, but we did announce out Fall workshop on Labor day and then left for Europe the same day for 2 weeks and didn’t share anymore news about it. OOPS! I am SO sorry!! So we still have seats left and I would love to see some of you there! We have decided to open up the EARLY early bird registration AGAIN!. The FALL WORKSHOP  is on November 3, 2016 9:30am-9pm. It is a one day workshop with lots of education, along with a styled shoot. The early early bird is $650. All the information is here http://r0s.3fc.myftpupload.com/workshop/ I have such a huge heart for investing into other photographers who are just starting out, or want to take their business to the next level or have thriving businesses and want to build more confidence. Our last two workshops have been a huge success. We have had 24 amazing photographers come and learn from us at these workshops. It has been one of the biggest blessing to us. I have loved seeing their business grow and their confidence be boosted. I am so excited for this fall and hoping to have some of you there!! Please feel free to email me with any questions!!! kari@karimephotography.com If you want to register head over to this link here

Off to tackle Monday’s to do list! 


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All #KariMebrides 🙂 


Sunday Sunday 




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