Just in case you have forgotten, we still own a house and are fixing it up!!! Haha! I know the post for this project have been sparse lately, we are doing things, but it seems to be a lot of the same, tearing out and so on, However, THIS week we got our foundation FIXED! Yay! This is huge we couldn’t move forward really until this was done and now it is. Our basement wall is straight again, and backfilled correctly so it won’t happen again!! yay! I will have to take a photo of the inside to show you want it now looks like, it has steel beams up the length of the wall. But it worked and we are excited. We have 4 new windows in our basement as well! YAY! For one project to be done. We have been working on tearing out the old plaster and old wiring. We are hoping to get the rest of the plaster out this month and then we will be ready to have the house rewired and new plumping. Woohoo! When we started this project we knew it would be a lot of work and we know we still have a lot left to do, but we are excited to see what the end result will look like.
I will keep the updates coming as we keep going! 🙂 I know it seems like we haven’t gotten anywhere but I promise we will be moving in next year sometime 🙂 HAHA!
Thanks to Trev for all his hard work!!! Also thanks to my brother Jack, Michael and Morgan who have all helped tear out old plaster and our Neighbor Randy for helping with the basement. Here’s to tearing out more plaster.
Future kitchen below
This room is our future master bathroom, closet and 2nd bathroom up stairs 🙂